Gary Sinise is no stranger to the inner workings of the Hollywood elite. Even though he’s a decent man who works with disabled veterans, he’s spent a great deal of time around some of the slimiest figures in Tinseltown. The slimeball he liked working with least, is Tom Hanks.
“He made my skin crawl,” Sinise said in an exclusive interview with ALLOD Correspondelant Tara Newhole, “I couldn’t stand being around him. There’s just something off about him.”
Newhole asked Sinise to elaborate, but he declined out of fear of being “Clintoned.” We have no choice but to respect his wishes.
Sinise says he’s grateful to have been in a great movie like Forrest Gump, but that he wished someone else had played the role. “Ben Stiller does a great full-retard,” he said, “He would have done well.”