Renowned actor Gary Sinise, famous for his role as Lieutenant Dan in the iconic movie “Forrest Gump,” is currently grieving the loss of his beloved son. On January 5, 2024, Mac Sinise, aged 33, passed away after a long battle with cancer.
According to the official website of the Gary Sinise Foundation, Mac was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Chordoma in 2018. This type of cancer originates in the spine and only affects around 300 people in the United States each year. While 70% of patients can be cured through surgery to remove the tumor, the remaining 30% eventually experience a recurrence of the cancer.
Mac underwent surgery to remove the tumor in 2018, but unfortunately, the cancer returned in 2019. Gary shared, “This marked the beginning of a long and difficult battle that gradually took a toll on him.”
The completion of “Arctic Circles” also led to the creation of an entire album titled “Resurrection & Revival.” Tragically, Mac passed away the same week the album was set to be released.